Terima kasih Scoliosis Care karena sudah membantu kondisi skoliosis saya. Memakai brace adalah salah satu jalan yang sangat membantu saya termotivasi untuk sembuh. Dengan Dokter yang baik, Physiotherapy yang sabar dan juga staff yang sangat ramah membuat saya sangat nyaman untuk datang ke Scoliosis Care. Saya beruntung karena Ibu saya sangat sigap membawa saya ke tempat yang tepat. Terimakasih Kasih Scoliosis Care semoga kedepannya bisa menolong banyak teman temen scolifriends di luar sana.
Ashalina Ghina
My experience throughout my scoliosis rehabilitation here has been nothing but pleasant. The physical therapy instructors not only help provide a swift recovery but genuinely care and make an effort to connect on a personal level. I find it easier to deal with treatment because of the various forms of encouragement and I am grateful to have found this lovely establishment.
Karyn Gowenia
During the pandemic, almost all of our life is conducted through our electronic devices: phones, laptops, tv. Sitting all the time, without realizing it, our body suffers, and the posture changes. These changes, if neglected, can produce a lot of damages, some even permanent. Self-being a fashion designer, I am aware of my appearance and posture and once I noticed that my back and neck are not in the right position but slightly shifting to the right (based on the way I am sitting), I started the treatment with Dr. Labana Saragih of Scoliosis Care at Senopati Therapy Center. I am happy that these great services that can fix my neck pain and my shifting are now available in Jakarta (I used to go to Singapore to receive treatment for my neck pain, but with the current pandemic the trip would have been impossible) and I highly recommend Scoliosis Care. The professional and friendly staff are always available to help with everything you need.
Poppy Dharsono
Fashion Designer
Setelah sekian lama saya mencari untuk penyembuhan skoliosis saya akhirnya menemukan Scoliosis care. Saya sangat senang terapi di klinik ini. Kesan pertama saya stafnya ramah dan sangat membantu. Selama delapan bulan terapi di Scoliosis Care dan merasakan perubahan yang signifikan. Sebelum terapi semua badan saya terasa sakit sampai ke kaki. Setelah rutin terapi sakit berangsur berkurang bahkan sekarang saya tidak merasakan sakit lagi, bahkan kurva skoliosis saya juga berkurang. Alat yang digunakan di klinik ini sangat lengkap dan canggih serta dirancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasien. Semoga ke depannya sekolah Scoliosis Care dapat membantu pasien lebih banyak lagi.
Ami Verita
Business Owner